You are vulnerable to the external environment, so you create “defence mechanisms” to protect yourself from external influences and disruptions. You reduce the distribution channels and limit the support hours for customers. You decide to fire the ‘creative’ people as they have not done their job correctly, otherwise you would not have been in such situation.
This creates uncertainty and your managers start to protect their position in the company and personal survival. A lot of energy is spent on who to blame for the failure rather than finding solutions to the problems. The leadership team feels out of control and the employees are disassociated with the company. Nobody takes any ownership anymore. The systems and rules run on rituals rather than reasons – lots of meetings, debating, voting but no follow-through on actions.
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Your customers start to receive below standard service – support lines are attended by untrained staff, no call backs, limited or no information provided. You are unable to respond effectively to client’s needs and you lack intelligent information about cost-value relationships. Your company has disintegrated functions and everybody is working in silos: Sales team is unaware of the strategic plan, Finance does not know what sales to anticipate, the Production team does not know what products are selling, etc.
The absence of corporate performance monitoring, lack of sales efforts, marketing research, product development makes it even more difficult to make or implement any kind of decision. Even the business structure and culture is dissolving.
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To address all these issues: several meetings are held, minutes taken, but little/no action is taken as there is no inclination to change: systems, forms, procedures, rules are there just because this is the way things have always been done that way.
Very soon, the business will not be able to generate sufficient revenue to sustain itself. With focus on policies and rules, with little to no focus on innovation or satisfying the customers the organisation is doomed to fail.
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In the Inferno, if no change happens, the company will have to close down. To turn the business around, an external Consultant/Interim Manager needs to perform multiple, simultaneous implementations from top management down and closely monitor the integration of the change interventions. We intervene to work with you to re-birth into a healthy organisation. This is done by:
Human Resources:
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IT Operations
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